Dr. Keller takes an integrative approach
Specializing in:
Weight Loss with a focus on healthy body composition/losing fat/ increasing lean body mass
Acute/Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain
Prevention of Chronic Diseases
Medical Acupuncture
Laser Acupuncture
Laser for Acute Musculoskeletal Pain
Individual Weight Loss Plans
Nutrition/Diet Modifications
Medical Food/Nutrition Supplements
Concentrate on Healthy Body Composition
Mind Body to Lower Stress
Cognitive Restructuring
We specialize in treating fibromyalgia, acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain, and fatigue. We also specialize in weight loss offering individualized weight loss programs focusing on healthy body composition, losing fat and increasing lean body mass. By improving body composition you will reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases. Patients will learn to take control of your own health. The key to success is an individualized program. We prescribe therapeutic lifestyle changes, through dietary modification, nutritional supplements, improving fitness and a variety of therapies to reduce stress. Medical acupuncture including laser acupuncture and laser therapy are also offered at The Optimal Wellness Center. Every patient is unique and our goal is to create a personalized wellness plan that works for you.